Ofcom: Adults' and children's media lives 2020

Ofcom’s Adults’ Media Lives study was set up in 2005 to provide a small-scale, rich and detailed qualitative complement to Ofcom’s quantitative surveys of media literacy.
Whereas the surveys seek to quantify in a statistically robust way different levels of media access, awareness, skills and understanding, Adults’ Media Lives aims to provide a human
face to the data.
"This 15-year ethnographic video study has tracked the changing nature of individuals’ relationship with digital media – how it fits into their lives, what motivates them to adopt new technology and learn new skills, their usage habits, levels of understanding, issues and concerns about media.
In many cases these changes have been dramatic, not only inspired by the availability of compelling new devices and services, but also as a result of changes in the lifestage and
domestic circumstances of the individual participants. We have learnt that (for example) going to university, entering or leaving the world of work, becoming a parent,
experiencing the break-up of a family or financial hardship are important catalysts to changes in participants’ relationship with media. These experiences ofen create new needs, or give people an added incentive to develop new skills, but also sometimes create barriers to getting the most out of the opportunities presented by digital media."
Adult's Media Lives - download here

Children's Media Lives Report - download here