Mediaspace is happy to share that we'll announce our beta launch to the press at the WomenTechNetwork Global Conference, where the founder of Mediaspace, Kinga Incze will speak at 2.20pm (CET).
Connecting all media, regulation and tech professionals, providing more space for women: we're launching Mediaspace
The media market faces global challenges: Cross-media competition. Digital transformation. Outdated regulation and taxation. Money and trust issues. Pandemic, global crisis, social distancing.
We believe it's time to connect, collaborate and innovate more to solve industry problems and design a more sustainable media market.
We're currently launching a global, independent social media platform for the media-regulation-tech sectors - this digital platform might support solve problems in time of social distancing in several ways.
Kinga Incze, founder of Mediaspace will introduce Mediaspace to the global community, inviting especially women to join the platform and to benefit from what a global professional community has to offer.
If you're interested to join and request an interview from the founder, please contact Lavina Suthenthiran via or Kinga Incze.