Mediaspace invites a diverse group of stakeholders around one virtual table to discuss how to unlock digital competition in the media and online platform space.
The series of "Regulation Meets Market & Innovation" virtual event series of begins with discussing competition in the digital space.
It will take place on Wednesday 30th September 2020 at 10am EST, 3pm BST, 4pm CEST, 6pm GST.
The expert panel includes:
- Kinga Incze, founder & CEO of Mediaspace & Whitereport
- Stephen Kinsella, EU Lawyer, Specialist Partner at Flint Global, founder of Clean Up The Internet
- Collette Rawnsley, Head of Competition at Wiggin UK & Brussels
- Mohammad J Sear, EY Associate Partner, Digital Gov. & Public Sector Advisory Services, MENA
- Krisztina Rozgonyi, Policy and regulatory expert - media and communication, Assistant Professor University of Vienna
- Representatives of regulators to be announced soon
Chaired by Hamish Sandison, chairman of
Membert-to-members conversation:
After the panel discussion all attendants will have the opportunity to participate at a members-to-members small group discussions, facilitated by Imre Vegvari of Kompania, TEDxConversation programme founder and other experienced international facilitators.
Discussion topics
- Market reality: COVID-impact on the new market reality - new insights by Mediaspace / Whitereport cross-media business intelligence analysis
- Regulation: Addressing competition issues in an outdated traditional vs platform regulation vs a complex ecosystem. Are updating regulations enough or a universal, cross-media/platform approach would be more future proof? Why do copyright, privacy, advertising, AVMS and other related laws trigger competition gap growth between the 'old' and 'new' media and what could result a better context for competition? What're the basic conditions to unlock digital competition in a user/business-friendly way with special regards to SMEs?
- Innovation: How media-gov-tech innovation can support (or partly substitute for?) a new regulatory framework and can support fair competition?
How to attend - ticket are available via Eventbrite
1) sign up for Mediaspace now (it's free)
2) Purchase your ticket via Eventbrite
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Looing forward to e-meeting you soon!