A thought-provoking writing from Campaign: Why we’re running our agency like a factory

A view from Aidan McClure

Creative industries are notoriously bad about allowing people to switch off. But maybe we can all learn from the least creative places to work. Run your agency like a factory and you might see an improvement in the wellbeing and efficiency of your workforce. You then might see an improvement in the quality of your product: your creative output.    

Sitting down to our second lockdown in October and faced with the monotonous production line of wake-up, breakfast, video call, video call, maybe lunch, video call, video call, video call, dinner, video call, sleep, it made us think: are we looking after our people? Are we creating the best conditions for creativity? The daily sense of déjà vu wasn’t going to change any time soon and should we, like a factory, engineer downtime in order for us all to switch off without interruption to improve our wellbeing as well as our creative output?  

We know this is where ideas come from: the gaps in between work when our brains relax and have the opportunity to subconsciously solve problems.


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