by Michael Sweeney

The programmatic advertising industry has been consumed with news about Google Chrome’s Privacy Sandbox since it was first announced as a replacement for third-party cookies in Chrome in January 2020.

Although there are many standards and APIs in the Privacy Sandbox, the one that’s received the most attention is FLoC. 

FLoC has received both good and bad press, from it being as effective at reaching audiences as third-party cookies to privacy concerns raised by companies like Mozilla, the EFF, and DuckDuckGo. 

Even though FLoC has been fairly well documented, it’s a hard concept to understand.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Google Chrome’s FLoC

What is Google Chrome’s FLoC?

Google Chrome’s Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC) is one of the standards in the Privacy Sandbox. Specifically, FLoC is designed to run audience targeting but do it in a much more privacy-friendly way than how it’s done today, i.e. with third-party cookies. Instead of showing ads to individuals, FLoC will display ads to people based on their cohort, which is a number assigned to a user’s browser. 

Web browsers will be placed into cohorts based on their web-browsing behavior. Advertisers will then be able to display ads to those cohorts. For example, cohort 4872 could relate to people interested in tennis. Advertisers can then show ads for tennis equipment to browsers with that cohort.

How does FLoC work and how are cohorts created?


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