Digital firms with deep-rooted market power to be subject to mandatory code to drive up competition

- New powers proposed for watchdog to suspend, block and reverse decisions by tech giants, and issue fines of up to 10% of turnover for serious brea
Digital firms with deep-rooted market power to be subject to mandatory code to drive up competition
"As Democrats settle into control of both chambers of Congress, signs of the party’s legislative priorities are starting to manifest. So far, lawmakers’ interest in reimagining tech’s regulatory landscape appears to be alive and well.
Sen. Amy Kloarb
The European Union (EU) has embarked on the most extensive antitrust reform program in its history. The European Commission (Commission) is working on parallel initiatives to create a “new competition tool” giving the Commission unprecedented powers
The European Commission published on the 2nd JUne 2020 an inception impact assessment as well as an open public consultation inviting comments on exploring the need for a possible new competition tool that would allow addressing structural competitio
You don’t go to Facebook because of the design of its user interface, its reputation or the quality of its service. You go there, because all your friends are there. Economists call this “network effects”.
Get these network effects right and you wil
The letter of 4 February by France, Germany, Italy and Poland’s ministers to Executive Vice President Vestager makes several suggestions on how to move forward on competition policy.
Suggestions that deserve public debate.
By Martin Peitz, Professor of
PARIS (Reuters) - Facebook’s $22 billion buyout of WhatsApp six years ago should have been blocked, the boss of France’s antitrust watchdog, which is set to help review EU rules, has told Reuters.
The Commission has proposed today an ambitious reform of the digital space, a comprehensive set of new rules for all digital services, including social media, online market places, and other online platforms that operate in the European Union:…